Thursday, January 19, 2006

Could this be the start of something?

So I am here in Sarajevo now - part of the reason I haven't written in a while has been getting here (it took me about 24 hours door-to-door this time) and getting settled. I walked into the office straight from the airport (made easier by the fact my bags didn't show) and since then it has been non-stop bombardment. I am not going to bore you by listing off everything I am up to at work but it's a ton. My new boss seems to feel that I am not moving fast enough but he dumps new crap on me hourly.

So maybe that's why...

...I seem to have lost all interest in sex.

Seriously, not some, not most, but all. Some people are just asexual...whatever...for me this was like being stricken deaf. Like, hey, the room is not just quiet, it's silent...I hear nothing...oh sh!t.

My mind tends to work like a guy's; sex is usually in there somewhere (for the techies, it's like a background process that is constantly running). You know, like where you are working on a report about radio ads and somehow your mind jumps to sex, or you are sitting in a meeting and suddenly start thinking that if someone put a gun to your head and forced you to sleep with someone in the room, who would it be (is it so bad that you would switch teams?) But lately nothing...

I thought I was just busy, but then tonight there was a reception and the group was mostly young men. I should have been in my element. Several of them were completely flirting with me; asking me where I am from, pretending to confuse me with a local actress. I should have been in my element, right?

No - I was totally off. I made weak attempts at flirting back, but I really wasn't feelin' it. There was no tention, no spark. It was just conversation. It's like I've lost my super powers. I'm actually kind of freaked out by it.

I am trying to tell myself that for today, it's for the best. I have no chance of any action right now so at least I am not sufferring from that standpoint. I am just worried because the last time I felt this way, I think I was 4 (I know, I was slow to catch on; but then came Antonio in Kindergarten - I can't believe I still remember his name).

So hopefully, this is some kind of passing phase brought on by lack of sleep and a chest cold that is still in the developmental stages. Speaking of lack of's almost 1:00 here. I need to get to bed - at least one bright note, these days I'm going straight to sleep...


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