Saturday, October 15, 2005

Is it bad for your career to be an essential part of your identity?

What do I do if taking a promotion may cost me some things that are really important to me?

I don't need the money (not because I'm rich but because it wouldn't really be that much money).

I would be doing it for control...
...control of something that I believe in deeply.

I would be doing it to keep my lifestyle...
...a lifestyle that I am totally addicted to now; I haven't figured out what I will do when this contract is over.

I would be doing it because it is who I am...
...and what I have been striving for; it's the whole point of getting involved in higher education as a field.

But I would have to move to Sarajevo. That is not the hardship for me. I already have an apartment and friends (and obviously a job).

The hardship is moving away from my family and the life I already have.

...but it's just for a year.

And I have to do this. If after everything, I get the ball, I cannot just hand it back. I mean *I* cannot do it, because for me, what I do as a job, the activity that I chose to be the product of my life's energy, is part of what I am.

But I realize that over time, Delaware will forget me. Delaware will move on.

But it's just a year...can things hold together for a year?

Maybe I won't be coming home in a year and a year will become 2, then 5, then 20...but I can make those decisions separately...for right now it's a year.

But I see the road that I am on and it's not leading me home...

For 12 years, the love of my life has been saying that he knows that one day I will pack up and leave all promises and smiles, never to return to him; he is just waiting to find out when.

When I called him excited with the news, there was silence... and then he said:

"Well, here it is. This is it."

And there has been a lump in my throat that I cannot swallow ever since.

Because he is right.


At 6:29 AM, Blogger Zanla said...

Does this mean that you are definitely going for the position in Sarajevo for one year? And will it just be one year or do you feel that it will lead to more? You can't know the future, but you can see which path looks more inviting.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Ann said...

I want to be in still remains to be seen if I will get that chance. Stay tuned...


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