What is this?

It has been in my apartment since I got here. I am out of the liquor I bought when I first got here and had spending money. Now I am totally broke until the 15th. I had to borrow 3KM (~$1.25)to take a taxi home (long story) today.
So here is the dilemma:
A) I'd really like a drink now and then, and now looks good, so I want to open the bottle...if it's tasty stuff
B) I am really broke and the bottle is cool enough that it could make a good re-gift...if the stuff is crap (since I am a foreigner here I could play it off like I didn't know)
My college roommate and her husband claim to have had it, but they were not helpful: one voted for good, the other that it's crap.
If you have had this, or know what liquors it is similar to, please speak up!
Anne, you can take you blog off search lists and the Next Blog list.
Drink it, as long as it's not open. Who needs gifts anyway? Mix it with 7-up.
Surely you've heard of http://postsecret.blogspot.com
If you haven't, enjoy. And perhaps write a little about what you think.
I'll stop writing anonymously one of these days.
To Anonymous #1: If I remove myself from those things, then random readers won't find me...I would like an audience, but only of perfect strangers.
To Anonymous #2: In America, that's what we do isn't it? If we think alcohol tastes bad, we mix it with sugary stuff. That's really pretty unheard of out here. Most of the mixed drinks you get out here are alcohol mixed with other alcohol. *sniff* I love this place...I'm getting all teary-eyed now...
Teary eyed? Did you bust into that liquor already? Just teasing.
So... I left the comment that said "sister." No need to worry, I'm not your actual sister.
If you don't believe me, check out my asia blog http://maybeoneday2.blogspot.com
I just thought I'd write and leave my identity now.
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