Monday, November 07, 2005

Letter to one of my favorite students...

One of the student workers in my office is studying abroad in Europe this semester. We have been writing back and forth about every couple of weeks. This was my reply to his latest message to me...

Dear A,

When I first wrote to you I was going to say that I wanted to try again to get together because I was going to Sarajevo November 18. Now I will probably not go over again until the new year.

I'm sure I will never get the whole story about what when on in Amsterdam - actually, no matter what, you shouldn't tell me until after graduation. Several people are trying to convince me to go to Amsterdam, but I don't know...I get myself in enough trouble in Sarajevo. As with most of my travel decisions it will depend on the companions. I need that perfect blend of willing-to-let-go and some-sense-of-reason. In other words, I don't want to go with people who would hold me back, but I need someone who would reel me in if things started to get out of hand.

Anyway, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Brussels, wow! I'm glad you mentioned something about taking classes...I was beginning to wonder. I hope that part is going well too. It is going to be hard readjusting to little old Newark. Honestly, I had a hard time adjusting coming from Miami and now that I spend time in a city again, I am having some of those same feelings.

...People ask me why I love my job. I think it's because it made me realize that my life could be BIG. I can't imagine going back to sitting at the same desk in Newark day-in, day-out. I know at some point I might have to, but I hope not and I certainly don't have to think about that today.

I hope you realize the same thing too, now. I hope this experience will make you brave enough not to settle for a life that doesn't inspire you and will motivate you to work hard enough not to ever have to.


P.S. - Note that I didn't even ask about that girl in the picture ...


At 3:59 PM, Blogger Bart Treuren said...

thanks for that ann... we all need some encouragement once in a while so we can keep afloat in a sea of deadening mediocrity... sometimes we can't see what we're supposed to be doing, sometimes we don't dare and occasionally just fatigued beyond belief in the chaos of daily life...

live your dreams, chase ideals and if at all possible, don't settle for less...

keep well ;-)


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