Sunday, April 30, 2006

What happened to me?

Basically, I got paranoid.

I started becoming scared that people would use what I have written here against me or my friends or that my family would find it and not understand (see recent posts). Right after that, there was one incident where something I wrote f*cked a former friend...that didn't bother me, but it was a warning.

Then I wrote the little note about not writing... That must have made it active in the "Next Blog" queue or something because within 24 hours, some unknown person who knows me and "C" (guy from the previous entry; I suspect it's "KB") forwarded this blog to C's sister who called him in a flaming panic.

If I haven't said this enough, I will say it again: I cannot stand American women.

If I am with a guy and I see him looking at another woman (usually I pointed her out in the first place), I think, "good things are as they should be"...unless I think the woman isn't all that and I ask a few curious questions like, "Are those breasts really big enough to compensate for that face?" or "Dude, did you catch her in profile?". If she is really hot, sometimes I will go over and chat her up, to see what's what.

American women see their man looking at someone else and the internal dialog starts, "I hate being so fat/tall/flat/ugly (which they are not, of course). Why does he have to throw it in my face by looking at her? I do so much for him. He's not all the special anyway; I don't have to take this. I bet he wants to f*ck her. (that part is probably true)" blah...blah...blah...

Back to the story...

So when I say "interest" that means sex to them...when I say acting on an interest, that also can only mean sex. I have know C's sister for years. She knows what I look like, she knows I am a flirt, and she knows I like to have fun. It has never been a problem...then she reads a blog entry on the internet and decides it's time to threaten to contact C's WIFE!

Wow! That's f*cked up. But I guess she was off the deep end and wanted someone else to join her.

So here is the thing about my blog - I already have a "family blog" where I post photos and write lightweight drivel that is safe for public consumption. I don't need two of those. If I cannot write about things that I am really thinking, I will just keep that all to myself. I absolutely do NOT want other people to have their lives ruined because of what I write about them (it's sad to know that is even possible). A friend suggested that I could change around all of my information - like become Jill in Romania who likes backpacking and sewing.

Why would I do that?

Anyway, it's good to know that I was missed. I don't know if I will keep posting...depends on how much trouble I get in for this post ;)

For the record, C and I had the time of our lives. Lots of hours at the office, but we went out and saw everything. He is now the only friend I have that knows what life is like for me here - "work hard, play hard". I introduced him around and took him to all of my favorite places. He convinced me to buy a home theatre system (and then threw me under the bus on that one...we'll have to talk about that).

I can honestly say that I do not wish his visit would have been any different than it was.

The only thing I wish was different is that I wish men and women didn't have to walk on eggshells around each other. In our society, it seems women believe that to keep their man, they have only two options: create an enviroment of constant fear and suspicion or give in to the man's every whim and wish and try to make yourself into his vision of the perfect women. No mater which option a woman choses, a critical piece is keeping the level of drama as high as humanly possible. We women refer to these strategies as "working and making sacrifices" for our relationships.

The thing that baffles me the most is why do men put up with this?


At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you can remove your blog so that it won't go into that queue. It's pretty easy.

Jellusy gets pretty annoying, but on the other hand no one I know is faithful. I guess I mostly feel like what's the point, though? Why trap someonf if they are unhappy.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger Obesio said...

Are you giving up on the whole blog thing?


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