Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Did you think of me?

Last night...
...did you think of me when you walked in the familiar warm rain?
I thought of you as I gripped the same umbrella I had that night, one year ago exactly.

I had coffee with a dear friend in a dim cafe next to the cathedral.
I found it impossible to turn my eyes away from the church.
Ten thousand drops of rain streamed down her face and pooled at her feet

and I thought of the year, and the tears, easily ten thousand...

and then the bells chimed the hour.
And I was brought back to that night, so magic, still there, every second in my mind.

Then silence...
...and it was magic.

And that's the thing about magic, all an illusion; the thrill is in believing it's real.
For a moment, suspend what you know to be true and just be amazed, but just for a moment.
Then, you must accept reality...the magician is but an ordinary man.
Otherwise you are a complete fool,
going through life believing in magical powers of David Copperfield...

... or { name }


At 10:13 AM, Blogger broke said...

This is great - and it speaks to me right now,
thanks for your writing

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Bart Treuren said...

i think of you so often, in a strange and ephemeral way... we hardly know each other and yet you leave images in my mind which linger and haunt me at moments (in a nice kind of way...)

the concept of reality is a farce, because mine is not the same as yours, we all live our own dreams alongside each other, we reach out to each other and try to reconcile the differences, recognise the similarities and desperately try to forge alliances so as to help ourselves cope with an incomprehensibly complicated world...

the magicians are perhaps ordinary people, but they are the saviours of our sanity because they show us time and time again that what we see and what we seem are but a dream we so eagerly devour as definitive truths...

keep well...

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was thinking of you last night as I 'gripped my umbrella', too.

At 2:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you realize that we're floating in space?

do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?

you understand that the only precious thing you have is your time?

what are you spending it on?
do you ask enough questions?
what are your subconscious thoughts?
in your everyday life are there things you want to do, touch, say, feel or ask about but never act on those urges?
do you realize that is why you are so unhappy? you do not listen to your inner spirit, your person, your energy.
there is a certain place for each one of us to be.
in our every day life there is something that you are supposed to accomplish. whether it be to ask someone a question or give someone a dollar or shake someones hand or smile at a child, or open a door that no one else dares to come near.
there is a place for you and if you never act on your intuition and inner spirit you will never be benefiting the world.

you will be an empty corpse wandering the earth. with no expression, no dreams, no life, no element. just death and fear.

what are you so afraid of?
what people think?
you shouldnt worry about what people think, they dont do it very often.

(haha[my word verification is:morsh} as in borshe.]})

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are we to judge ourselves?

At 8:19 PM, Blogger SomeOne said...

I have a question for you: are you aware that by creating a blog about being deep and answering deep questions (which, I might add are all about yourself) do you realize that you are in fact a sell out who advertises on and just longs for the approval of others?

Just plain old pathetic if you ask me.

At 5:42 PM, Blogger Dester Rodriguez said...

Nice blog ... i want you to answer something that many people can't answer ..(Of course if you want to) it comes.. Do you beieve in any religion ? (Thats not all) Why do you believe in it?... tell me what your beliefs are, and i'll tell you how large is your knowledge..


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